
20 Black Cat Breeds that Make Excellent Pets

There are a variety of black cat breeds that make excellent pets. They are often overlooked as potential pets, but they can make excellent companions. If you are looking for a black cat that is affectionate and loving, there are a few breeds that you should consider.

Looking for a black cat for your house? You will be happy to know that there are a number of cat breeds that come in black colour. Black is unique and having a black beauty in your house will give a unique aura to your house.

Here are the top 20 breeds that you can get in black color;

1. Bombay

Bombay Black Cat Breeds

The first breed of black cat that makes an excellent pet is the Bombay. The Bombay is a very affectionate and loving breed of black cat. They are also very loyal and devoted to their owners. If you are looking for a black cat that will be a loyal and loving companion, the Bombay is a great choice.

Bombay is a breed that is a cross between a sable Burmese and a black American Shorthair. This elegant cat has green eyes, a short coat, and an easy-going personality, making them the perfect pet for families with children or other pets.

See also; Top 10 mixed breed cats for your house.

2. Cornish Rex

Cornish Rex Black

The Cornish Rex is known for its affectionate and loving nature. This breed is also known for its intelligence and ability to bond with its human companions. If you are looking for a black cat that will be a loving and loyal friend, the Cornish Rex is an excellent choice.

The Cornish Rex is a black cat breed that is known for its wavy, curly coat and large ears. They are also one of the most active cat breeds, so they require plenty of playtime and toys to keep them entertained.

See also; 10 Hypoallergenic Cats Great for People with Allergies.

3. Devon Rex

Devon Rex Black

The Devon Rex is another cat that is known for its affectionate and loving nature. This breed is also known for its intelligence and ability to bond with its human companions.

The Devon Rex is another black cat breed with a distinctive coat, this time featuring tight curls instead of waves. They are also known for being very affectionate and loving cats, making them great companions.

4. Egyptian Mau

Egyptian Mau black

The Egyptian Mau is a black cat breed that is the only naturally spotted domestic cat breed in the world. They are very active and playful cats, and their unique coats make them stand out from other black cat breeds. These cats are also known for being very loyal to their owner and make excellent companion pets.

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5. Javanese

javanese black cat  breeds

The Javanese is a black cat breed that is a cross between a Siamese and a long-haired Oriental shorthair. They are vocal cats that love to play, and their beautiful coat patterns make them truly special pets.

See also; Top 10 most expensive cats in the world.

6. Korat

Korat most aggressive cat breeds

The Korat is a black cat breed that originates from Thailand, where they are considered good luck cats. They are very affectionate and loving cats, and their beautiful blue eyes make them even more special.

See also; 10 Most Aggressive Cat Breeds to Bring Home.

7. Maine Coon

maine coon black cat

The next breed of black cat that makes an excellent pet is the Maine Coon. The Maine Coon is a large breed of black cat that is very affectionate and loving. They are also very intellegent and can be trained to do tricks. If you are looking for a black cat that is both loving and intellegent, the Maine Coon is a great choice.

The Maine Coon is a black cat breed that is known for its large size and thick, fluffy coat. They are gentle giants that make great family pets, and their long lifespans make them especially cherished companions.

8. Manx

manx cat black

The Manx is a black cat breed that is best known for its taillessness, which is caused by a genetic mutation. They are very social cats that love to be around people, and their unique appearance makes them quite striking.

9. Norwegian Forest Cat

Norwegian Forest Cat

The Norwegian Forest Cat is a black cat breed that is known for its thick, waterproof coat. They are large, strong cats that love the outdoors, and their independent nature makes them perfect for households with other pets.

10. Oriental

Oriental Shorthair Cat Breeds

The Oriental is a black cat breed that comes in both short-haired and long-haired varieties. They are very active and playful cats, and their loving personalities make them great companions.

See also; Top 10 Most Bizarre Cat Breeds in The World.

11. Persian

Persian Black Cat

The next breed of black cat that makes an excellent pet is the Persian. The Persian cat is a black cat that is very playful and energetic. They are also very loving and affectionate. If you are looking for a black cat that will keep you entertained and will also offer you unconditional love, the Persian is a great choice.

The Persian is a black cat breed that is known for its long, thick coat. They are gentle, loving cats that make great family pets, and their quiet nature makes them especially good for households with small children.

See also; Top 10 cutest animals in the world.

12. Peterbald

Peterbald Black Cat

The Peterbald is a black cat breed that is a cross between a Siamese and a hairless Russian Blue. They are very active and playful cats, and their unique appearance makes them truly special pets.

13. Ragdoll

Ragdoll Black Cat

The Ragdoll is a black cat breed that is known for its laid-back, easygoing personality. They are large, gentle cats that love to be around people, and their affectionate nature makes them great companions.

14. Russian Blue

Russian Blue Cat

The Russian Blue is a black cat breed that is known for its beautiful blue-grey coat. They are gentle, loving cats that make great family pets, and their shy nature makes them especially good for households with small children.

15. Scottish Fold

Scottish Fold Black Cat

The Scottish Fold is a black cat breed that is known for its distinctive folded ears. They are very social cats that love to be around people, and their cute appearance makes them quite popular pets.

16. Siamese

Siamese Black Cat

The Siamese is a black cat breed that is known for its affectionate and loving nature. This breed is also known for its intelligence and ability to bond with its human companions. If you are looking for a black cat that will be a loving and loyal friend, the Siamese is an excellent choice.

The Siamese is an aggressive cat breed that is best known for its striking blue eyes. They are very active and playful cats, and their loving personalities make them great companions.

17. Somali

Somali Black Cat Breeds

The Somali is a black cat breed that is a cross between an Abyssinian and a long-haired Oriental shorthair. They are very active and playful cats, and their beautiful coat patterns make them special pets.

18. Sphynx

sphynx black cat breeds

The Sphynx is a black cat breed is best known for its hairless bodies. They are very affectionate and loving cats, and their unique appearance makes them quite popular pets.

19. Tonkinese

tonkinese black cat

The Tonkinese is a black cat breed that is a cross between a Siamese and a Burmese. They are very active and playful cats, and their loving personalities make them great companions.

20. Turkish Angora

turkish angora black cat

The Turkish Angora is a black cat breed best known for its beautiful white coat. They are very active and playful cats, and their affectionate nature makes them great companions.

If you are looking for a black cat that will make a great addition to your family, then any of the breeds on this list would be a perfect choice!

When it comes to black cat breeds, there are a few that stand out as being exceptional pets. The Bombay, Maine Coon, and American Shorthair are all great choices if you are looking for a black cat that is loving and affectionate. Each of these breeds has their own unique personality traits that make them excellent pets. If you are looking for a black cat that is loyal and loving, the Bombay is a great choice.

If you are looking for a black cat that is both affectionate and intelligent, the Maine Coon is a great choice. If you are looking for a black cat that is playful and energetic, the American Shorthair is a great choice. No matter what type of personality you are looking for in a black cat, there is a breed that will make an excellent pet.

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