
10 Basic Writing Tips That Make You a Better Writer

Writing an essay may seem easy, but the truth is that many often make mistakes when typing. A misspelled word or misplaced punctuation mark could send the wrong message. So no matter if it’s an informal email or employment letter writing is indispensable to communicate properly in the professional requirement.

Here are a few basic writing tips that, regardless of the type of essay you want to write, will help you improve your writing and communicate your ideas clearly and simply:

10 Basic Writing Tips That Make You a Better Writer

Basic Writing Tips

1. You know what to write?

Before you begin writing the first thing to define you are what you mean. So before your creativity take flight, ask yourself these five questions and answer them: What do I mean? What is the central argument of my essay? Who is my essay? Why would I want to write? and How do I want to communicate?

2. Structure your essay!

Do not forget that all testing should begin with an introduction and must end with a conclusion. According to writepro try to follow the following formal structure:

Introduction: the focus, thesis or problem to be addressed is introduced. It should also be mentioned about what is going to treat the essay with one or two sentences that summarize the topic.

Development and Housing: stage where they are exposed and the arguments and counter-arguments on the central argument is expanded. Body length depends on the writing but remember that each paragraph should develop an idea.

Conclusion: a synthesis of the above is made and a proposal, a result or an opinion is offered.

3. First things first!

The title is essential to attract any reader. Now, it is not always easy to find the right title so it is best to keep it simple, do with your narrative and, more importantly, to create interest. Before deciding on a title ask your friends what they think.

4. Learn how to use punctuation!

Punctuation is essential to give fluidity and clarity to your ideas, therefore, the importance of proper use:

Let’s eat children!

Let’s eat, children!

The point is used to separate sentences or different ideas, and at the end of an abbreviation.

The comma indicates a slight pause in the enunciation of the complete thought. Should always be used in the following cases: to separate two or more words or ideas, to limit clarification and after the following phrases such as: in effect, that is, all right, well, therefore, without, however, But among others.

The semicolon is a pause in prayer without assuming an end. It is also used for extensive list items must be separated or themselves contain commas.

Two points are used at the end of a sentence when you want to start a list, when you want to write a quote, before expressing an enunciation and to send a letter.

Ellipses are used to way to an unexpected pause in a sentence and when there is the following: doubt, irony, fear, excitement or the start of a no quote.

Exclamation points are used to emphasize an idea, give a command or show surprise.

Question marks frame a doubt or question.

Quotation marks are used for quotations, highlighting expressions, noting incorrect terms, enclose meanings or translations and cite titles of literary works.

Parentheses are used for clarifications, references, and translations of foreign expressions to introduce acronyms.

5. Boasts a rich vocabulary!

Try not to bore the reader and avoid repeating the same words in the same paragraph by making use of synonyms.

6. Use links!

Relate your sentences and paragraphs to avoid sudden stops between an idea and the next.

7. Order your prayers!

Try to follow the usual order of words in the sentence by the following formula:

Sentence = Subject + Predicate

Remember that the subject and the verb never separated by commas. To avoid complications it is best to place the verb as close to the subject.

8. Do not abuse of adjectives!

While the adjectives used to make a more descriptive essay, in the end, they are overwhelming. So before introducing too many adjectives we should ask whether they are really needed. When in doubt, answer the following two questions:

Does the adjective describing the noun proper way?

If the answer is yes, the adjective necessary for the reader to understand the essay?

9. Be consistent in the numbers!

Remember that:

The numbers from 1 to 29 should be written with letter and number 30 onwards.

It is also preferred that the letter be written with tens and hundreds.

You should try to use figures on the numbers that have decimals.

Ordinal numerals are written with numbers followed by letters they must be flown as 1st, 2nd or 3rd.

To indicate the centuries, dynasties in certain cultures, the numbering of volumes or volumes, the name of congresses, festivals and competitions and series of popes, emperors and kings need to use Roman numerals.

10. Be accurate!

Try to avoid the use of vague or generic words like thing, something affairs, good, rich to refer to objects or situations. The vast majority of these words might be needed to better inform the reader an idea and make it more attractive any essay.

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