
Top 10 Natural Ways to Heal Cracked Feet

Heel fissures or cracked feet is a common problem faced by people of all ages and is usually a result of lack of moisture. It can also be caused due to standing for too long, exposure to water for long hours, wearing the wrong footwear, using harsh soaps, or due to cold weather. No matter what the cause, cracked feet looks very unattractive, can cause pain, and may even lead to some infections. This is why you should try healing the problem as soon as possible and to get you started we shall now share with you the top 10 natural way to heal cracked feet.

Natural Ways to Heal Cracked Feet

How to Heal Cracked Feet? Here are top 10 natural ways to quickly heal cracked feet. Follow these simple but best tips to cure cracked heels.

10. Scrubbing

Scrubbing the dead, hard skin away will help you get rid of the cracked feet to a great extent and it will be best to give this remedy a try first. Before you begin scrubbing, soak your feet in soapy warm water for about 15-20 minutes so that your skin softens and it is easier to scrub.

After you have soaked your feet in a tub containing soap water, take one foot out and with the help of a pumice stone gently scrub the dead skin cells that have already loosened. Repeat the same with your other foot and then wash both your feet with fresh water. Pat dry using a soft towel and apply a nice foot cream. It will be best to follow this remedy at night, and after applying the moisturizer you can wear cotton socks and sleep. Follow this remedy at least twice a week and your cracked heel problem will be solved.

9. Mentholated Rub

A mentholated rub also can help heal your cracked heels because of the essential oil it contains and can even cure toenail fungus.

Before you go to bed, wash your feet and pat it dry using a towel. Now apply this mentholated rub generously and wear a pair of socks, and let it stay overnight. Next morning, after removing the socks, wash your feet using warm water. Follow this process for at least a few days to get rid of the problem completely.

8. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil can treat dry skin incredibly well, and this includes dry and cracked feet as well. Together with moisturizing your feet, it will also fight bacterial and fungal infections.

All you need to do is, before hitting the bed, immerse your feet in warm water for some time and scrub it with a loofah. Pat your feet dry and then generously apply coconut oil on your feet. Since the oil may stain your bed linen, it will be best to cover them with socks, and this will also help the method work better. Next morning, simply remove the socks and wash your feet.

7. Glycerin

Glycerin has great humectant and moisturizing properties and this is why it can help treat your cracked heel in a perfect way.

To use this remedy, you need to combine equal parts of lemon juice and glycerin and add a little rose water if you want to. Apply the mixture on your feet and let it stay for about 20 minutes. Wash off with fresh water. Make sure to follow this simple remedy every day at least for two weeks.

6. Paraffin Wax

Paraffin wax can also help remove dry, dead skin and cure cracked heel. It has natural emollient properties and thus will soften your skin and make your feet look beautiful.

Just take a little paraffin wax in a bowl and heat it in a double boiler or the microwave. Add an equal amount of coconut or mustard oil to the warm wax and mix it well. Next, apply this thick paste on the cracks and wear your socks. Allow it to stay this way overnight and the following morning, wash your feet using fresh water. Follow this home remedy for at least one to two weeks and you definitely will be happy with the results.

5. Epsom Salt

Epsom salt improves circulation, draws out toxins, promotes skin health, and is great for cracked feet.

For this home treatment you need to fill a tub with warm water, and to it add half a cup of Epsom salt. Soak your feet in this water for about 10 minutes. Take one foot out and rub it gently using a pumice stone for at least a few minutes. Put this foot back in the water, take the other foot out, and repeat. Now take both your feet out, dry it using a towel, and then apply petroleum jelly or a thick moisturizer. Repeat this process for at least 2-3 days.

4. Lemon

Lemon juice has a natural and mild acidic property that can help get rid of dry and dead skin cells from your feet easily. It will also make your skin beautiful and soft.

Just take a tub and fill it with warm water. Add juice of a lemon to it and soak your feet in this warm lemon water for at least 10 minutes. Rub your feet gently using a soft toothbrush and then wash your feet and pat dry. Now apply a foot cream or a moisturizer of your choice. Repeat this process 2-3 times a week.

3. Vinegar

Vinegar also can heal cracked feet all thanks to the acetic acid present in it which softens the skin and makes exfoliation easy. This foot soak also works wonders for those with tired feet.

To make this foot soak combine two cups of water with one cup of apple cider or white vinegar and soak your feet in this mixture for about 15 minutes. Now, with the help of pumice stone eliminate the dry and dead skin. Next, wash your feet, pat dry, and apply your choice of moisturizer.

2. Oatmeal

A homemade oatmeal foot scrub can also help eliminate dead skin from your feet and keep them moisturized.

All you have to do is take 1 tablespoon of powdered oatmeal in a bowl and to it add a little jojoba oil and create a thick paste. Apply this oatmeal paste to your feet, giving special attention to your heels. Let it stay for 30 minutes and then scrub your feet with it, wash off with cold water, and pat dry. Follow this remedy on every alternate day until you have gotten rid of your problem.

1. Banana

If you have overripe bananas at home do not discard them and instead, use them to cure your cracked feet. Not only will they help get rid of the problem but also moisturize your feet perfectly.

For this remedy, you need 1-2 overripe bananas which you have to drop in your blender and form a creamy, thick paste. You may add half an avocado, though that is optional. Now, apply the paste on your feet and allow it to stay for about 20 minutes. Wash your feet properly first with lukewarm water, followed by cold. Make sure to follow this method regularly to treat and prevent cracked and dry feet.

No matter how expensive or beautiful sandals you wear, if your feet are visible in them and they are cracked, they can ruin your look completely. Moreover, cracked feet can also cause a lot of trouble and pain and thus you must try to cure them at the earliest. So, start following these home remedies right away and be ready to flaunt perfectly soft and beautiful feet that will make everyone envious.

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