Asian countries with the most beautiful women: What Asian country has the best-looking women? Here are top 10 countries to meet the most beautiful women in Asia.
Meet the beautiful women in Asia: The top country in Asia with prettiest women
1. Korea

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to the question of why Korean women are so beautiful, but some factors that may contribute include their natural beauty, cultural influences, and their strong independent spirit. Some Koreans also say that they are just as beautiful as any other woman – simply because they have the right combination of brains, looks, and character.
And, each woman is unique and should be respected for her own sake. However, some generalizations about Korean women might not be accurate or fair. For example, some people might say that all Korean women are beautiful because they wear make-up excessively or because they are models or actresses. This isn’t always the case – there are many different types of Korea’s female population and each one has her own unique look and personality.
2. India

There’s something special about the beauty of Indian women that has caught the attention of many people over the years. Some attribute this to their cultural background and their traditional dress, while others say it’s simply the result of good genes. Whatever the reason, there’s no doubt that these women are beautiful enough to be considered one of the world’s most beautiful Asian women.
There’s something about the way Indian women look that just makes people feel drawn to them, as if their faces and bodies are a work of art in and of themselves. Whether it’s their sultry gaze or striking features, these women are sure to turn heads when they’re out in public – whether they’re strutting down a street or simply walking down the block.
Some say that this decade-long fascination with India’s beautiful women is a result of the country’s spicy cuisine and many nights out with friends, but there could be more to it than that. With a growing middle class and increasing access to education for women, there is no doubt that Indian women are becoming more beautiful every day.
3. Vietnam – The Vietnamese Women

The Nguyen sisters are considered to be one of the most beautiful Asian women. They hail from Hanoi, Vietnam and have been featured on various media outlets for their incredible beauty and personality. Their faces are known for their high cheekbones, wide eyes and long eyelashes – all of which add some extra zing to their appearance.
4. Philippines

There’s no denying that women in the Philippines are some of the most beautiful people on earth. From their sultry looks in high society events to their natural beauty, Filipino women are always making an impact.
From their bright eyes and honey-coloured skin to their curvaceous bodies, Filipino women are always stunning. And while they may not have the same Hollywood glamour as some of their counterparts abroad, they definitely have something special going for them.
That said, many Philippine women still face discrimination and prejudice when it comes to being beautiful. This is evident from comments made by men about how “not pretty enough” Filipina women are, to how some woman feel that because they are not as “gorgeous” as well-dressed Filipinas, they don’t deserve men’s attention.
5. Laos – The most beautiful Asian women

Laos is the smallest country in Asia. Beside it’s size the country has some of the world’s most stunning women. If you really love natural beauty, then Laos is the perfect place.
6. Pakistan

Pakistani women are some of the most beautiful people in the world. They have classic features and a delicate beauty that often makes them difficult to resist. Many think that Pakistani women are simply too pretty for anything else, and there is no need to change that. Some of the most stunning Pakistani women you will ever see are working in the fashion industry, or professional athletes.
7. China

Many people may think that Chinese women are pretty, but there are many other factors that contribute to their attractiveness. Some of these factors include their dazzling eyes, chiseled features, and long legs. The beauty of Chinese women is revealed through their individual personalities as well as the way they interact with others.
See also; Top 10 most beautiful women in China.
8. Thailand – Thai Women

Thai women are also considered some of the most beautiful women in Asia. Have a look at the list of some of the most beautiful women of Thailand.
9. Indonesia – The Indonesian Women

Despite their often difficult lives, Indonesian women are some of the most beautiful people in the world. From their distinctive features to their softly spoken languages, these women make an impact on any environment they’re in. They are also an inspiration to others who face challenging times, whether it be in their personal lives or professional ones.
See also; Top 20 hottest and most beautiful Indonesian women.
10. The Central Asian women (Uzbek, Tajik, Turkmen, Afghan)

Central Asian women are considered to be some of the most beautiful people in the world. Their skin is often described as looking like ivory, their eyes bright and green, and their hair long and sleek. They are often considered to be graceful and graceful-footed.
Many Central Asia women have careers that allow them to travel the world and meet new people, which is an opportunity they never had before. These women are a valuable resource for society, and it is important that we appreciate them for who they are.
See also; Top 10 hottest women of Kazakhstan.
Some other Asian countries with the most beautiful women:
Cambodia – Cambodian women
Cambodian women are some of the world’s modest and soft-spoken women. They are well-mannered, industrious, and caring. Cambodian women are expected to maintain virginity until marriage, they become faithful wives.
The Kashmiri Women
Kashmiri women are some of the most beautiful in the world. They have a natural beauty that is unmatched by any other people on Earth. Their skin is delicate and smooth, their hair is long and curly, and their eyes are big and sparkling. Some of them even have a slim figure. Kashmiri women are also highly educated, with many years of experience in different fields. They hold a great deal of respect for their culture and for themselves as human beings.
The Tajikistan women
There’s no doubt that Tajik women are beautiful. They’re statuesque, with sharp features and long hair cascading down their backs. Many of them have big, voluptuous breasts and legs that will make any man envious. But what makes these women truly unique is their sense of self-awareness.
Tajikistani women know how to lead happy lives, and they don’t just want to be pretty – they want to be successful in life. Many of them work hard to improve their standard of living, and they take pride in their appearances. In fact, many Tajikistani women enjoy working out and staying active, even if it means looking good while doing so.
The Georgian women
Georgia’s beautiful women have long been a source of pride for the country. Now, with more access to education and better economic opportunities, many Georgian women are taking their beauty to the next level.
According to a report by global broadcaster BBC World Service, in 2017, Georgian women were named the world’s most beautiful people by Forbes magazine. This is an increase from 2016 when the same publication awarded them fourth place.
The magazine’s editor-in-chief, Stefan Herrmann, said that “the Georgian woman is now one of the most beautiful in the world. She has great character and looks stunning in whatever she wears. She has powerful features and her skin is blemish-free.
The Turkmenistan women
Turkmenistani women are beautiful and have a strong sense of tradition and culture. They are also some of the most active and successful members of society. There is no doubt that Turkmenistan women have a lot to offer the world, but they also face challenges that always make them remarkable.
Afghanistan – Afghan women
A country mixture of Pashtun and Persian culture, is not much better places considered for women. But, it’s women are truly beautiful. Absolutely natural beauty!
See also; Top 10 most beautiful Afghan women.
Japan – Japanese Women
Japanese women are also some of the most beautiful, attractive women in the world. Here is another list of top 10 of the beautiful women of Japan.
Taiwan – Taiwanese women
Taiwanese women are another some of the most attractive women from Asia.
Sri Lankan Women
South Asian country also home to some of the most beautiful women in the world. Sri Lankan women have Indo-Aryan and East Asian mixed.
Middle Eastern Women
Women in Middle East are some of the most beautiful in the world. Also, have a look at some of the most beautiful Middle Eastern Women.