As we all know trees are very important to us. They give us warmth, shelter, food, and helps keep our environment safe. There are so many types of trees all across the world, and they are different in sizes, have unusual shapes, and have their own distinctive properties. Though you must have obviously seen many different trees and may have like their height, the color of the flowers they bear, or the taste of the fruits they produce. You perhaps are not aware of some trees that are unusual, unique, and also strange. So, without a wait, let us get to learn about 10 strangest trees that will leave you smitten.
The 10 of the strangest trees from around the world:
Here is a list of some of the unusual and strangest trees. The trees, that we have shared below will surprise and delight you with their odd shapes. Enjoy!
10. Wollemi Pine (found in Australia)

The Wollemi Pine Tree or the “Dinosaur tree” as it is popularly known as, is one of the biggest botanical discoveries that were made in Sydney, Australia in 1994. These unusual looking tall trees were found in the Wollemi Natural Park, 150 km from Sydney. They can grow up to 40 meters in height and are a part of the conifer family. The trunk of this tree can reach about 1 meter in diameter and its branches may grow sideways or upright, and that depends on its origin. They are a rare species and thus efforts have been made to conserve them. They’re wonderful, unusual as well as strangest trees.
9. Tree of Tule (found in Mexico)

This is a famous tree of Oaxaca, Mexico and is found present on the grounds of the Santa Maria De Tule town center. The strangest and the most noticeable thing about this tree is its trunk, which is believed to be the stoutest ones in the world. Though the age of this tree is not exactly known but is thought to be anywhere between 1200 and 3000 years old.
See also; Top 10 Largest Trees by Volume.
8. Dragon Tree (found in the Canary Islands)

The Dragon trees have an umbrella-like shape and this is what makes them famous. This tree is a living symbol of the Canary Islands, and the early residents of this island considered this umbrella tree to be divine and native to Madeira and Cape Verde. However, they are also found in some parts of Mexico. The age of this tree is about 650-1000 years old.
7. General Sherman (found in the United States)

General Sherman is believed to be one of the hugest single stem trees to be present on this earth. It is found in the Sequoia National Park in California and has a height of 275 feet. This huge tree is also one of the oldest living with an age of 2,300-2.700 years. The Crannell Giant is 15-20% huger than General Sherman as far its volume is concerned. The base of this tree’s trunk is about 102 feet in circumference. It’s one of the tallest as well as strangest trees in the world.
6. Silk Cotton Trees (found in Cambodia)

Located in the Seam Ream Province, Cambodia, these silk-cotton trees have a few amazing features. The place where these trees are found growing have been untouched since hundreds of years and now it is named the Angokar Archeological Park. The trunks of this tree go upwards towards the sky and create a canopy and their countless roots stay coiled on the land. It’s one of the most amazing as well as strangest trees in the world.
5. El Arbol de la Sabina (found in Spain)

You must have seen that every tree grows upright, and some can be slightly bent. However, the El Arbol se la Sabina is completely different and weird. This tree is found growing in the direction of the wind and hence it is known to change its shape many a time during the year. It’s amazing! Wonderful as well as unusual tree.
4. Baobab (found in Madagascar)

Baobab is also called the teapot tree and they are found growing in Madagascar. There are nearly 9 species of Adansonia around the world. 6 of them are native to Madagascar and 2 belong to the Arabian Peninsula and mainland Africa. The 9th one is native to Australia. In Madagascar, you will be able to find Baobabs in different sizes and shapes and they are believed to be about 1000 years old. These trees can attain a height of 16 feet to 98 feet and their trunk’s diameter can go anywhere between 23 feet to 36 feet. The most unique thing about this tree is that they can be leafless almost throughout the year but their trunks have the capacity to store gallons of water.
3. Pirangi Cashew Tree (found in Brazil)

This is one of the hugest cashew trees you can find in the world. It spreads to an area of about 2 acres and it is nearly 177 years old. You can find this pirangi cashew tree near Natal, Brazil. And also, it is believed to have been planted by some fishermen in 1888. They surely had no idea then that the tree would grow so huge and would cover almost the entire space, with the branches touching the ground. This cashew tree yields about 8000 fruits a year.
2. Tree of Life (found in Bahrain)

The tree of life is one of the unusual and strangest trees. It has managed to survive for 400 years without any water, in a desert. It seems pretty mysterious as it has managed to survive in a land where nothing else exists. This tree represents life and thus it has been named so. Many tourists get attracted to this tree and the locals believe that this was where the Garden of Eden was actually located.
1. Basket Tree (found in the United States)

Axel Erlandson was a horticulturist who would shape trees in unusual forms. He started shaping trees after observing the natural process of bonding known as inosculation. He used a combination of bending and grafting to guide tree trunks into geometric forms. To create the basket tree, Erland planted 6 sycamore trees in one circle and then topped all of them at one foot and then approach-grafted together one to another to create diamond patterns. This tree is now a centerpiece of Gilory Gardens.
Each of these trees is so beautiful as well as bizarre. Also, they’re so different that leaves us smitten and only makes us praise the work of Mother Nature all the more. If you ever get a chance to visit these places, do get a glimpse of these trees and enjoy witnessing the splendid work of nature.