Top 10 Strange Things Banned Around the World

There are things, that you wish for and you get it, and that you want but still you can’t get it. Well, banning things is laudable if that make some sense like either prohibiting a minigun in the US or ban selling a kidney in Iran, But “Why ketchup” you jerks. We have already published a few articles about some of the most weird and craziest laws and regulations that used to be or still have been in practice in some countries. Like; In Iowa, it is illegal for a man with a moustache to kiss a woman in public. Countries are banning a lot of strangest things around the world, But things on this list are standard unless you are outside of those infernal regions. From wearing blue jeans or yellow clothing and naming a child, check out these 10 strange things banned around the world.

10.Greece: Video Games

Video games banned in Greece
The Greek government banned all video games across the country since 2002; the government intends to stop illegal gambling which accidentally leads to ban video games. You have to go to jail if you are playing video games including those that run on your home computers.

9. Malaysia: Yellow Clothing

Malaysia Banned Yellow Clothing
Wearing yellow, that maybe anything your shoes, hats, T-shirts, even your boxers it’s completely illegal in Malaysia. The yellow color is considered “The color of protesters” Malaysian government decides to ban yellow clothing for their political affairs that cause a particular group of opposition activists is using yellow things often.

8. Denmark: Naming a Child

Denmark Banned Naming a Child
Denmark’s imposing some rules for parents to naming their babies in place to keep safe the Danish children from odd names which were your mama’s fancy desire. You can choose a name from a list of 24,000 names (some for boys, some for girls). In case, if you want to name a child of your own you have to get permission from government officials.

7. Iran: Western Haircuts

Iran Banned Western Haircuts
The Iranian government decides to ban several western things that cover western music, rap music, skinny jeans, pet cats and dogs, and tattoos to control the enormous influence of the Western civilization. But the Western Haircuts comes in the forefront among the bunches of annoying things. Haircuts included ponytails, spiked hair, mullets. Iran’s barber Union banned all these haircuts because they thought Western hairstyles are a sign of worshiping the god of a devil.

6. China: Jasmine

China Banned Jasmine
The Chinese regime has ban Jasmine from the mainland China. People are not allowed to sell it, grow it, and speak about it. After Tunisian jasmine revolution, China thought Jasmine has tremendous potential to destabilize its society it almost identical to weaken the China’s Democracy. A step ahead China censored a word Jasmine from the internet.

See also; The craziest laws and regulations.

5. Burundi: Jogging

Burundi Banned jogging
It seems if you jog in the early morning which may result in life imprisonment. Apparently, Burundi got a football-loving president, despite this he bans jogging to ban wars. Yes, In Burundi jogging is consider as an act of war, so the president Pierre Nkurunziza officially ban morning jog to stop the conflicts between Burundi ethnic groups and they believe this law would halt the craze in the war.

4. France: Ketchup

France Banned Ketchup
No longer will French students be able to taste the delicious glop onto their lunch. Yep school cafeterias in France ban ketchup cause the government felt the teenagers consuming too much ketchup and it ruined the originality of this traditional cuisine. Thus, a dependable way to get some of that red gloppy thing you have to order some french fries as a companion, and it makes this thing legal again.

See also; Weird laws still practiced around the world.

3. Australia: Small Breast Pornography

Australia Banned Small Breast Pornography
“The land down under” is independent country, But they have some weird rules you can’t understand some of them, even after you experiment those ridiculous experience. In Australia acting in porn isn’t a crime unless you have some massive melons. Pornography featuring women with small breasts in Australia is a banned, the logic behind this action is the government thought this kind of activity encouraging their average civilians to become an abhor child molesters or even worse as child rapists. If however, kids haven’t prohibited from using alcohol, cigarettes, and condoms.

2. Saudi Arabia: Strange Things only for Women

strange things banned
Saudi Arabia, considered to be the strictest nation of the planet. When it comes to women it imposes some more restrictions. This country almost bans everything for females including women driving, women at work, Roaming women, and No gyms for girls. The government also manage some weird rules in place to protect free mixing of sexes in public by this concern they ban public theaters, social mixing (except couples), and Valentine’s day. Saudi Arabia has no written constitution for ban them, and they only go after the sole of the national law that is used the “Quran” while even some of these things ain’t described in that Holy book.

1. North Korea: Almost Everything

North Korea Banned Jeans

The most isolated country in the world, I don’t know how people are living up there cause it’s makes you crazy. People of North Korea are not allowed to watching T.V, Playing Music, Leave the country, sharing your opinion, Laugh in public, Believing in religion, Driving, get connected to an outside world, and Wearing Blue Jeans. At last, it’s a crime calling it North Korea in North Korea. You have to call it as “Korea”. If you ain’t you should have to prepare to go to jail.