Space is full of mysteries and when you try to solve one mystery, the other one arises and then the chain goes on. All space lovers have many thoughts in their mind like; Do aliens exist and where are they and how they look, how advanced they are and so on. Today we are not going to talk here about aliens but we are going to discuss some of the popular space theories that are going to blow your mind.

10. Planet Nine
We all know that there are only 8 planets in our Solar System, but is it true? Because scientists believe that there is also a 9th planet in our Solar System. I am not talking about Pluto, scientists believe that there is a 9th planet hiding behind Neptune and orbiting our sun in 7,400 years. It is believed that Planet Nine is around 10 times bigger than earth and it is hiding a lot of mysteries inside it, but unfortunately we haven’t found it yet and probably we will find it soon if it exists.
9. Universe is A Computer Simulation
This may sound weird but there are very minimal chances that we exist. What? Yes, you heard it right. Some scientists believe that we are just a simulation game in someone’s computer, maybe in the computer of an advanced civilization. When you see around you, you will see that we all work similar like a character does in a game, same tasks, limitations and boundaries. So, question your existence because maybe we all are just pre-programmed characters. Sounds crazy, right?
8. Time is Running Out
This is a crazy hypothesis that states that Time is running slow in comparison to the initial years of our universe. Whenever you see a distant object, you are looking in the past of that object because light takes time to reach us. So, according to this, time moved faster in the past then now and there might be a day when time slows down so much that it stops and everything also stops with time. Moreover it is just a hypothesis.
7. The Multiverse
I think it is the most interesting topic for everyone. Is there another universe? Are there other people just like me in other universes? How many universes are there? How can we travel to the multiverse? Unfortunately, I don’t know the answer to any of these questions but some scientists believe that the multiverse exists, and some believe that our universe is also just a part of a big universe where many universes just like ours exist. Sounds hard but our universe may not be the only one.
6. Big Rip
We all know that our universe is expanding faster than the speed of light. And everything has to come to an end one day. Also our universe will come to an end one day. While some scientists believe that our universe will keep expanding until it starts breaking in pieces and ends. Means the expansion will be the reason for the end of our universe but that would take billions of years.
5. Dark Matter
If you combine the masses of all the stars, asteroids, comets, planets and every single object in this universe then it would be only 5% mass of the universe. But the question is, what contains the rest 95% mass. The answer is Dark matter. Many scientists believe that the empty space is really not empty, it contains Dark matter. We have not understood Dark matter yet and we don’t know anything about its existence and properties but we know that it is present everywhere and maybe Dark matter is responsible for the continuous expansion of our universe.
4. Earth will become Venus
That’s true not only due to global warming but due to a lot of factors. Venus is very similar to Earth in mass, size and some other factors. It is also thought that Venus was like Earth millions of years ago but now it is no less than Burning hell. After 1 billion years from now the Sun would become 10% hotter and Earth’s average temperature would reach around 47 degree Celsius that would evaporate all the water on earth and all life on earth will become extinct.
3. The White Holes
White holes are the super massive hypothetical structures that throw out everything. White Holes are opposite to the black holes. Black holes eat everything coming into its way and not even light can escape it and the gravity is so strong at the centre of black hole that even space time stops there. But White holes are completely opposite to black holes and are known to throw everything out from it. No one knows whether they exist or not but the topic of White holes is very interesting.
2. What would happen if you fall in a Black Hole?
If you fall into a Black Hole, then nothing worse can happen. The gravity at Black Hole is so high that even light can’t escape it. And you can only see a black hole when it is swallowing any star or any other body as the light makes a circle around the event horizon of a Black Hole. When you will start falling in a Black Hole then you will become slim like a noodle. Yes you will become lean like a noodle and as you will reach the centre of a Black Hole the Space time will be stopped. It would be very painful and just pray that you never fall into a Black hole.
1. What was there before the Big Bang?
We know that before the Big Bang there was only a singularity. And after that all the matter burst out from that point and today we have the continuously expanding universe. Most of the scientists believe this theory. But some scientists say that the Big Bang was not the beginning of our universe, it was the ending of the older Universe. Yes, it is believed that the multiverse exists and if the Big Bang was the ending of the older Universe. So the mystery of the beginning of our universe is still unsolved.