
20 Stunning and Beautiful Flowers Found in Pakistan

Flowers are always considered a symbol of love and friendship. There are many different flowers found in Pakistan and we often see different kinds of flowers around us. What are some commonly found flowers here? Read below. Here we have listed 20 stunning and most beautiful flowers that you can find here.

Stunning and Beautiful Flowers Found in Pakistan:

1. Bougainvillea

Bougainvillea Stunning and Beautiful Flowers

Bougainvillea is the name given to the popular flowering vines of northern Australia and it belongs to the family Nyctaginaceae. They are mostly known for their large, colorful flowers that are found in many different colors including white, reds, oranges, pinks, and yellows. These plants have slender stems with thorns on them. Their leaves are green and they can be shaped like a little hand. Bougainvillea is the national flower of Haiti and is also used in many textile fabrics.

2. Wild Jasmine

Wild Jasmine

Jasmine is the name of a flowering plant that comes from the olive family, Oleaceae. Its flowers are highly fragrant and can be white, yellow, or pale pink in color. These plants grow to around 6 feet tall with hairy leaves. They produce tubular-shaped flowers that are yellow in color with five petals.

3. Lilly

Beautiful Easter Lily Flower

Lilly is the name given to flowering plants with a large number of petals and colorful blooms. They come from the family of Liliaceae. Some common types of lilies found in Pakistan include tiger lotus, Easter lily, daylilies, fritillaries, Siberian lilies, etc.

It can be found in different colors including yellow, purple, red, and white.

4. Rose

Rose most beautiful flower

Rose is the name given to a flowering plant that belongs to the family Rosaceae. They are known for their sweet fragrance and come in many different colors including white, pink, yellow, red, etc. Different types of roses found in Pakistan include wild roses, damask roses, tea roses, etc.

École du Gabardan is the national flower of France and symbolizes the French nation.

See also the list of most beautiful amazing Roses.

5. Sunflower

Most beautiful sunflowers

The sunflower is a flower that comes from the Asteraceae family. They are known for their large, round heads that contain yellow-colored petals. Their leaves can also be reversely shaped which makes them unique. The sunflower is believed to have originated from North America.

The Sunflower is the national flower of Mexico and symbolizes wealth, strength, and vitality. It is also the state flower of Kansas (USA) and Puerto Rico.

6. Tulips

Tulips Stunning and Beautiful Flowers

Tulips are flowers that belong to the Liliaceae family and come in many different colors including yellow, red, orange, pink, and white. They are also known for their sweet fragrance.

Tulips bloom during the spring season and can be found in different parts of Pakistan including Northern Areas (Kaghan Valley etc.), western Himalayas (Horseshoe bend, etc.), and Potohar Plateau (Rawalpindi)

7. Veilchen

Veilchen Stunning and Beautiful Flowers

The name of this flower is derived from the German word “Violet” and belongs to family Iridaceae. It has mostly been seen in South Africa but can also be found in some areas of Pakistan i.e., Khairpur, Kharan, Jiwani, etc. Veilchen flowers come in many different colors including yellow, orange, pink, purple, and white.

Mariana is the national flower of Mexico and symbolizes innocence. It is also the state flower of Texas (USA).

8. Orchids

Orchids Stunning and Beautiful Flowers

Orchids are flowers that come from the family Orchidaceae. They are known for their many different colors including red, orange, yellow, purple, white, etc. Orchids also come in many shapes, sizes, and types including slipper orchids, boat orchids, lady slipper orchids, etc. Different types of orchids are found in Kharan (Kohistan), Murree hills (Rawalpindi), and Northern Areas.

See also the list of unusual and unique flowers.

9. Magnolia

Magnolia Stunning and Beautiful Flowers

Magnolia is a flowering plant that comes from the family Magnoliaceae. It has flowers that are very delicate in nature and produce sweet fragrances. These flowers can be found in white, pink, red, purple, yellow, etc. different types of magnolias are found in Northern Areas (Shangrila Resort, etc.), Potohar Plateau (Kallar Kahar), and Murree hills.

Magnolias are the national flower of North Korea and symbolize respect towards women.

10. Hibiscus

Hibiscus Stunning and Beautiful Flowers

The hibiscus is a flowering plant that comes from the family Malvaceae. These flowers are known for their beautiful, large, and colorful blooms. Different types of hibiscus can be found in Pakistan including Chinese Hibiscus, Arabian jute, etc.

Hibiscus is the national flower of Bangladesh and symbolizes a rich cultural heritage.

11. Azalea

Azalea Stunning and Beautiful Flowers

Flowers are the beauty of plants and Azalea is one of them. There are many species of Azaleas in Pakistan which have beautiful flowers. The upper part of these plants contain little white or red glands, but their leaves are evergreen that’s why they live for a long time.

See also the list of flowers that keep your garden colorful.

12. Larkspur

Larkspur Stunning and Beautiful Flowers

Larkspur is also known as delphinium. These flowers are found in the mountainous regions of Pakistan. There are many trees on which these plants grow, they can be found in white, yellow and blue colors. The leaves of this plant are spoon shaped while the root system is deep and strong to hold it strong against the winds.

See also the list of world’s most expensive flowers.

13. Delphinium

Delphinium Stunning and Beautiful Flowers

This plant is very famous for its flowers that are of great use in medicines. The root of this plant is used in medicine while all other parts are considered poisonous. This plant has simple leaves with jagged edges, while the stem of it is hairy and dark green in color. Most of the species of delphinium is found in south Asia, including Pakistan.

14. Blue Vervain

Blue vervain Stunning and Beautiful Flowers

The upper part of this plant is covered by glandular hairs, while its leaves are simple and opposite. It can be found growing on dry hillsides throughout the year. The roots of this plant were used as medicine to cure fevers, asthma and headache. This plant also has astringent properties as well as antibacterial and antispasmodic properties which make it very good for treating different health conditions.

See also the list of beautiful but deadly flowers.

15. Pea Shrub

Pea Shrub Stunning and Beautiful Flowers

This shrub is mostly found in central Asia, while its flowers are found in different colors including pink, light purple and white. The stem of these shrubs is covered by tiny hairs which make it very sticky to touch. It has compound leaves that consist of 11-19 leaflets with long petioles which are 2-6 inches long.

16. Black Eyed Susan

Black Eyed Susan Pakistan

Black eyed Susan is mostly found in the western Himalayas. It can be easily identified by its yellow flowers with dark brown centers, while their leaves are alternate and of grass like shape.

See also the list of world’s most strange flowers.

17. Gaura

Gaura Stunning and Beautiful Flowers

Gaura is a perennial herbaceous plant with white or pink flowers, while its leaves are deeply divided into narrow segments. These plants can be found growing on roadsides and streams throughout different parts of Pakistan from Cholistan to Balochistan. Its fruit is small and dry with one seed inside.

See also the list of Flowers that Bloom at Night.

18. Heliotrope

Heliotrope Stunning and Beautiful Flowers

This flower can be identified by its purple or white flowers with a pleasant aroma, while the leaves of this plant are simple in shape and they grow opposite to each other on the stem. This herb is mostly used for making perfumes as it has a strong fragrance that makes you feel fresh.

19. Centaury

Centaury Stunning and Beautiful Flowers

These flowers are mostly found in Balochistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. These plants can be easily identified by their leaves which are round and covered with tiny hairs, while the petals of the flower have a beautiful blue color with yellow markings on them. The roots of these plants are used as medicine to cure stomach problems, kidney stones and other kidney related problems.

20. Grape Hyacinth

Grape Hyacinth

These plants have a bulb that has pale green leaves which grow from it, while its flowers can be found in different shapes and colors including white, violet, purple and yellow. They also have a very sweet fragrance making them look beautiful throughout the year.

See also the list of bad smelling flowers.

Which ones have you seen? Let us know below.

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